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The Storm

Trapped between two worlds.

Luke managed to survive his first real battle with the siren sisters, but one victory does not mean the end of the war. Even as he struggles to find a balance between trying to live a normal life and coping with unusual changes brought on by his siren heritage, the three sisters continue to plot his demise. And this time, they’re about to raise the stakes by using the people that he cares about most in order to get to him.

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A doomed love. A desperate fight for survival. A coming storm.

Luke managed to survive his first real battle with the siren sisters, but one victory does not mean the end of the war. Even as he struggles to find a balance between trying to live a normal life and coping with unusual changes brought on by his siren heritage, the three sisters continue to plot his demise. And this time, they’re about to raise the stakes by using the people that he cares about most in order to get to him.

The stage is set for another fight, but how far is Luke willing to go to protect himself and his friends. Armed with powers unlike anything that he ever thought possible, will those powers be enough to stop the sirens from killing him? Can he bring himself to take a life in order to save his own?

The Storm is a young adult novel sure to appeal to fans of mermaids, paranormal romance, dark fantasy, and supernatural mystery and suspense.
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