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This was a gripping murder mystery that had me second guessing every character.

Amazon Reviewer
Can do bad things . . .

Tabitha and her best friend Nancy have been inseparable for years, but when Nancy suddenly begins avoiding Tabitha shortly after the beginning of their senior year, Tabitha grows concerned. But before she has a chance to find out why Nancy has driven a wedge between them, she learns that Nancy has been murdered, and what’s even worse, the police seem to be looking at her as their prime suspect. Now not only does she feel like she owes it to Nancy to discover the identity of her killer, she also has to do it if she wants to keep herself from being arrested for a crime she didn’t commit.

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The only thing worse than losing your best friend, is when everyone thinks that you’re the one who killed her . . .

Tabitha and her best friend Nancy have been inseparable for years, but when Nancy suddenly begins avoiding Tabitha shortly after the beginning of their senior year, Tabitha grows concerned. But before she has a chance to find out why Nancy has driven a wedge between them, she learns that Nancy has been murdered, and what’s even worse, the police seem to be looking at her as their prime suspect. Now not only does she feel like she owes it to Nancy to discover the identity of her killer, she also has to do it if she wants to keep herself from being arrested for a crime she didn’t commit.

But as Tabitha dives deep into Nancy’s life, she discoveries secrets about her best friend that she never knew anything about. Secrets that will make her investigation more complicated and much more dangerous. Can she find out who killed her best friend? Or will her snooping around lead the killer to selecting her as their next victim?

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