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About Me

Hello, my name is Nicholas Jordan (or just Nick if you prefer) and I write suspense novels geared towards a young adult audience, but I think anyone who likes fast-paced stories, thrilling suspense, and shocking twists will enjoy my books.

“Honestly, there is nowhere I would rather be than sitting in front of my computer with a mug of tea, diligently working on my next novel, which is more than likely where I am right now as your reading this bio.”

My goal is to consistently write and publish a new book every month (hopefully, at the time you’re reading this, I’ve reached that goal). Nothing is more important to me than writing books my readers enjoy. In my opinion, too many writers just write for themselves without thinking about whether their readers are actually going to enjoy their books. I don’t want to be one of those writers. I want readers to support my work because they genuinely love the books that I write.

I’ve loved creating stories for as long as I can remember, but I found myself distracted and focused on all the wrong things throughout high school and one year of college (hated every minute of it). Finally, after my first stint at a “real job” I decided to take the plunge and pursue a career as a writer.

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